Trainers Who Care

Our trainers take your fitness and health goals seriously. We understand that losing weight and adding strength can be challenging and our goal is to help you overcome hurdles and achieve sustainability needed to reach your goals.  We create daily group fitness classes that are HIIT based along with focus on strength and agility.  At GRIT, we focus on personal attention to ensure whether you have worked out for 20 years or haven't worked out in 20 years, you will get the appropriate workout to achieve your personal health goals. 

Knowledgeable Fitness Experts

With years of success and experience, our team is capable of creating focused workouts that are able to be modified for any level of fitness.  The most efficient away to lose weight and gain muscle, is to also eat healthy. Our team will work with you to keep you on track and motivated to reach your goals while also tracking key metrics to show results.

Your Success is Our Goal

We understand that changing fitness habits is difficult. Our goal is to change your view on healthy living, so that it becomes apart of who you are and your lifestyle. We believe that if you practice healthy habits, you will be able to obtain a healthy lifestyle.   GRIT is focused on providing a welcoming atmosphere to all levels of fitness who want to make health a priority.